St David’s Day Dress Rehearsal

Blywddyn 2 and 3 had a fabulous St. David’s Day dress rehearsal today. Super singing, dancing and speaking! Da iawn, ardderchog!

Gingerbread Rap

Well, we had a treat this afternoon from Year 1 who performed their Gingerbread Rap!

February Attendance Award….

Well done 6NH – 98.2%!!

Well done everyone – 96% for the whole school – the highest percentage we have had for a few years!


Top Trumps

Great to see sets of Top Trumps today. Well done Megan, Eleri, Daniel, Ollie and Archie you’ve done a great job!






Class Dojo is a huge success!

Thank you to all the parents who have signed up to Class Dojo. It is proving to be an excellent way to communicate what is happening in our classrooms!


Families Connect Games Night

Everyone enjoyed the Families Connect Games Night last night. If you are interested in joining this fantastic group please contact Vanda Wright or Sue Jones.

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Amazing Writers in Year 6

Our Year 6 pupils have been busy with their persuasive writing. I’m looking forward to seeing your finished booklets!

No Clubs this Week

Just a reminder there will be no clubs this week apart from orchestra tonight.


Mrs Eccles